Book an accreditation
Become accredited and develop your people using C-me over two days on a live virtual course

Virtual Accreditation
13:30-16:30 GMT
April 10th & 11th
Virtual Accreditation
09:30-12:30 GMT
June 3rd & 4th
Commonly asked questions about the accreditation
Do I need any previous experience of behavioural profiling or psychometric testing?
No, we will provide a background of understanding and equip you with all you need to know about C-me and how to bring the value of our solution to your organisation.
Is there any ongoing support/training?
You’ll be supported by the C-me team to get you set up and help you with any questions and queries. There is also a huge range of resources available to you once accredited including videos, blogs etc
Is there an additional ongoing licence fee/annual cost for accreditation?
The number of accreditation spaces that your company is allocated depends on the number of users you have. The cost of the accreditation is part of your yearly subscription for C-me users.
Does my Accreditation expire?
No. Once you have completed the course you remain Accredited
How can I connect with other activators to share information/best practice?
We have a Linkedin group which is a great way to connect with other Activators
Does my organisation retain the qualification or my staff members who get accredited?
The accreditation remains with the individual. Each year you sign on for membership you receive new accreditation spaces for your team.
Contact us if you have further questions